4 consecutive boards: Beijing Electronic Zone High-tech Group (600658.SH): There is still significant pressure on the sales and rental of properties in the zones that make up a large percentage of our business operations.

GMT Eight
Beijing Electronic Zone High-tech Group (600658.SH) disclosed a notice regarding abnormal fluctuations in stock trading and risk warnings. Through self-inspection, the company confirmed that its current production and operating activities are normal, and there have been no major changes in the internal and external operating environment and main business. However, there is still considerable pressure on the sales realization and leasing business of the company's main operating parks. The company stated that there are no major issues affecting the abnormal fluctuations in the company's stock trading price at present. Through self-inspection, the company has not found any media reports or market rumors that may have had an impact on the company's stock trading price, nor have they been involved in hot topics. As the company's stock price has been continuously rising recently, there has been an increase in comments and discussions on platforms such as stock forums. However, the information related to this has already been disclosed in the regular reports, and there have been no changes in the relevant business operations.

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