China Telecom Corporation (00728) added approximately 3.14 million 5G plan subscribers in August.

GMT Eight
China Telecom Corporation (00728) announced that in August 2024, the number of mobile users was approximately 421 million households, with a net increase of 1.68 million households that month, and a net increase of 12.97 million households for the year. Among them, the number of 5G package users was approximately 343 million households, with a net increase of 3.14 million households that month, and a net increase of 24.23 million households for the year. In August, the number of fixed broadband users was approximately 195 million households, with a net increase of 730,000 households that month, and a net increase of 4.88 million households for the year. The number of fixed telephone users was 98.4 million households, with a net decrease of 340,000 households that month, and a net decrease of 2.62 million households for the year.
