Jinyuan EP Co., Ltd. (000546.SZ) appoints Lian Changyun as General Manager.

GMT Eight
Jinyuan EP Co., Ltd. (000546.SZ) announcement: The Board of Directors recently received a written resignation report from director, chairman, and general manager Zhao Hui. Due to personal reasons, Zhao Hui applied to resign from the positions of director, chairman, and general manager of the company, and also resigned from the positions of Chairman of the Board's Strategic Development Committee, member of the Board's Nomination Committee, and member of the Board's Compensation and Appraisal Committee. After resignation, Zhao Hui will no longer hold any positions in the company. Until a new chairman is elected, the board director, Lian Changyun, will act as the convener and presider of the board meetings and shareholder meetings. As the election of new directors and chairman requires legal procedures, Zhao Hui will continue to act as the legal representative of the company until the date of completion of the change of the new legal representative in the business registration. The board of directors agreed to appoint Lian Changyun as the general manager of the company, with a term from the date of this meeting's approval to the end of the term of the eleventh board of directors. They also agreed to nominate Qiu Yongping as a candidate for non-independent director of the board, with a term from the date of approval by the shareholder meeting to the end of the term of the eleventh board of directors. The board of directors decided to appoint Lian Changyun as a member of the Compensation and Appraisal Committee and to appoint Qiu Yongping as Chairman of the Strategic Development Committee and member of the Nomination Committee. Qiu Yongping's appointment to the company's board of directors' special committees will take effect after being elected as a director at the shareholder meeting, with a term from the date of approval at the shareholder meeting to the end of the term of the eleventh board of directors; adjustments for other members will take effect after approval at this board meeting, with a term from the date of approval at this board meeting to the end of the term of the eleventh board of directors.

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