IDC: In the second quarter, the global smart sweeping Siasun Robot & Automation market grew by 15.7% year-on-year. Chinese manufacturers topped the list for the first time.

GMT Eight
The IDC "Global Smart Home Devices Market Quarterly Tracking Report for the Second Quarter of 2024" shows that in the second quarter, global smart sweeping robot Siasun Robot & Automation shipped 5.117 million units, a year-on-year increase of 15.7%. Overall, in the first half of the year, with product function upgrades, the pace of new product releases of sweeping Siasun Robot & Automation products accelerated, and the increase in the proportion of high-end line product shipments led to an increase in average unit price, rising to $485 in the domestic market in the second quarter. Chinese manufacturers have accelerated their pace of going global, especially in developed countries markets, where domestic all-round sweeping Siasun Robot & Automation products have rapidly gained market share with performance advantages. Beijing Roborock Technology topped the global market in terms of shipments this quarter, marking the first time a Chinese manufacturer has taken the lead in the smart sweeping Siasun Robot & Automation market. In the second quarter of 2024, the performance of the top smart sweeping Siasun Robot & Automation manufacturers globally is as follows: Beijing Roborock Technology Beijing Roborock Technology ranked first in global sweeping Siasun Robot & Automation market shipments and sales in the second quarter. Thanks to Beijing Roborock Technology's well-established global distribution network, its products have shown strong competitiveness globally, especially in developed countries markets where it entered early in overseas layout, advantageously compared to other Chinese manufacturers in offline channels. The company was the first to enter large offline supermarkets with high entry barriers in the North American market and rapidly increased its brand influence through brand-operated stores. The V series and G series products were significantly upgraded in terms of lightweight body, navigation obstacle avoidance, and hair tangling in 2024, leading to a continuous increase in shipments. Irobot Irobot's main shipments are concentrated in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe. With a strong brand stickiness, it still performs well in the mid-range market. However, its products have relatively limited functions, and the integration of sweeping and mopping functions lags behind competitors. Its high-end product lines have weaker model parameter configurations at the same price segment compared to competitors, and its market share has continued to decline in recent quarters. Ecovacs Robotics Ecovacs Robotics has performed well in the high-end market, and in the Chinese market, it has continuously held the top spot in shipments for several quarters. Its advantage in the domestic market is mainly reflected in the layout of offline channels, forming a wide regional coverage through the establishment of offline sales outlets and providing sales support for tapping into the potential of the sinking market. In overseas markets, Europe is the main region for Ecovacs Robotics' international expansion. Zhuimi Zhuimi's sweeping Siasun Robot & Automation products target the high-end market, with the average unit price exceeding $700 globally in the second quarter, the highest among all manufacturers, and nearly $800 in the North American market. Zhuimi has experienced rapid growth in overseas markets in recent quarters, especially in Europe, Australia, and Southeast Asian markets, with its flagship models leading in online channels. In the second half of 2024, the global sweeping Siasun Robot & Automation market is expected to ship 10.25 million units, a year-on-year increase of 7.5%. The competition focus on product performance will revolve around addressing the need for ultra-thin body, lifting height, and obstacle avoidance height for cleaning blind spots. At the same time, manufacturers will continue to differentiate their products through brush anti-tangling technology and high suction power to address hair tangling issues. Zhao Siquan, Senior Research Analyst at IDC China, believes that the main competition in the smart sweeping Siasun Robot & Automation market in the second half of the year will focus on high-end products. The introduction of AI capabilities will lead to differences in understanding user-spoken commands, and the accelerated layout of floor washing machine manufacturers will bring new competitive challenges to the sweeping Siasun Robot & Automation market. In terms of competitive regions, the average unit price of products continues to rise, posing certain demands on consumers' purchasing power, with North America and Western Europe still being the main competition areas for Chinese manufacturers in overseas markets.
