Chairman You Wei and supervisor Dong Shanshan of COFCO Technology & Industry (301058.SZ) resign.

GMT Eight
Announcement from COFCO Technology & Industry (301058.SZ): The board of directors and the supervisory board have recently received the written resignation report from the company's chairman, You Wei, and the non-employee representative supervisor, Dong Shanshan. You Wei has applied to resign from his positions as the chairman, director, and convener of the Strategic and Investment Committee of the second session of the board of directors due to work adjustments. His original term was until the end of the second session of the board of directors, and after his resignation, he will no longer hold any other positions in the company. Dong Shanshan has applied to resign from her position as the non-employee representative supervisor of the second session of the supervisory board due to work adjustments. Her original term was until the end of the second session of the supervisory board, and after her resignation, she will no longer hold any other positions in the company.
