National Immigration Administration: During the Mid-Autumn Festival, 5.256 million people entered and exited the country, an 18.6% increase compared to last year.

GMT Eight
The National Immigration Administration issued a document stating that during this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, border control agencies across the country facilitated a total of 5.256 million entries and exits for Chinese and foreign nationals, with an average of 1.752 million entries and exits per day, an increase of 18.6% compared to the same period last year. Among them, 2.632 million entries and exits were made by mainland residents, an increase of 15.1% compared to the same period last year; 2.07 million entries and exits were made by residents of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, an increase of 7.3% compared to the same period last year; and 554,000 entries and exits were made by foreigners, an increase of 62.2% compared to the same period last year. A total of 242,000 land, sea, and air transportation vehicles were inspected for entry and exit, an increase of 37.6% compared to the same period last year. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, in accordance with the unified deployment of the National Immigration Administration, border control agencies across the country strictly implemented the requirements of "two disclosures and one notification", scientifically predicted and released information on the flow of entry and exit passengers at each port, advised all entry and exit personnel to plan their trips rationally, organized duties scientifically, opened inspection channels to the full, strictly implemented the measure of Chinese citizens not queuing for more than 30 minutes at customs clearance, closely coordinated inter-departmental cooperation, dealt with the impact of heavy rainfall and severe weather on entry and exit customs clearance, promptly diverted temporary high passenger flow peaks, and ensured safe, efficient and smooth customs clearance at all ports. This article is selected from the official WeChat account of the National Immigration Administration. Editor: Jiang Yuanhua.
