CC NEW LIFE (09983): Tan Juejing appointed as Company Secretary and Legal Representative.

GMT Eight
CC NEW LIFE (09983) announced that, starting from September 16, 2024, Mr. Wen Xunmin has resigned and no longer serves as the company secretary, the authorized representative of the company under Rule 3.05 of the Securities Listing Rules of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, and the statutory representative in Hong Kong under Part 16 of the Companies Ordinance Chapter 622 of Hong Kong for the purpose of accepting legal process documents and notices served to him in Hong Kong. Mr. Tan Juejing has been appointed as the company secretary, the authorized representative of the company under Rule 3.05 of the Securities Listing Rules, and the statutory representative in Hong Kong under Part 16 of the Companies Ordinance Chapter 622 for the purpose of accepting legal process documents and notices served to him in Hong Kong.
