Furui: KUAISHOU-W (01024) rated as "buy" with a target price of 70 Hong Kong dollars.

GMT Eight
Furu released a research report stating that it rates KUAISHOU-W (01024) as a "buy" with a target price of HK$70. The company focuses on marketing capabilities, pricing and promotion, compared to its peers, the company has a lower proportion of subsidies for goods; it can also provide differentiated content and features. In addition, for businesses, it is very important for the company to reduce operating costs to drive the growth of total transaction volume. The report also pointed out that the company has multiple profit models, mainly through closed-loop marketing. In terms of external marketing, the company's brand marketing drives sales in three aspects; in terms of closed-loop marketing, it emphasizes comprehensive platform marketing, intelligent hosts, and uses short videos to drive live streaming traffic. Its comprehensive platform marketing solution can help businesses maximize the total transaction amount of goods, increasing customer penetration rate and average consumption amount by 25 percentage points and 20 percentage points respectively compared to the same period last year.

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