Real estate development investment in China decreased by 10.2% year-on-year from January to August, with new home sales area dropping by 18%.

GMT Eight
From January to August this year, China's real estate investment continued the previous downward trend, with the decline rate equal to that of the previous month. From January to August, the national real estate development investment was 6.9284 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 10.2%, the same as the previous month. The sales area of newly built commercial housing was 606.02 million square meters, a year-on-year decrease of 18.0%, narrowing from the previous month. Real estate development investment decreased by 10.2% year-on-year. From January to August, the national real estate development investment was 6.9284 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 10.2%; among which, residential investment was 5.2627 trillion yuan, a decrease of 10.5%. From January to August, the construction area of real estate development enterprises was 7.0942 billion square meters, a year-on-year decrease of 12.0%. Among them, the construction area of residential buildings was 4.96052 billion square meters, a decrease of 12.6%. The newly started construction area of buildings was 494.65 million square meters, a decrease of 22.5%. Among them, the newly started construction area of residential buildings was 35.909 million square meters, a decrease of 23.0%. The completed construction area of buildings was 33.394 million square meters, a decrease of 23.6%. Among them, the completed construction area of residential buildings was 24.393 million square meters, a decrease of 23.2%. Sales area of new houses decreased by 18.0% From January to August, the sales area of newly built commercial housing was 60.602 million square meters, a year-on-year decrease of 18.0%, with the sales area of residential housing decreasing by 20.4%. The sales amount of newly built commercial housing was 597.23 billion yuan, a decrease of 23.6%, with the sales amount of residential housing decreasing by 25.0%. By the end of August, the unsold area of commercial housing was 73.783 million square meters, a year-on-year increase of 13.9%. Among them, the unsold area of residential housing increased by 21.5%. From January to August, real estate development enterprises had a total capital of 6.9932 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 20.2%. Among them, domestic loans were 1.0229 trillion yuan, a decrease of 5.1%; the utilization of foreign funds was 20 billion yuan, a decrease of 42.4%; self-raised funds were 2.515 trillion yuan, a decrease of 8.4%; deposits and prepayments were 2.1078 trillion yuan, a decrease of 30.2%; individual mortgage loans were 992 billion yuan, a decrease of 35.8%. In August, the real estate development prosperity index, referred to as the National Real Estate Prosperity Index, was 92.35.
