Shenzhen Consys Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (688788.SH) plans to reduce the capital of its subsidiary Gaofashion.

GMT Eight
Shenzhen Consys Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (688788.SH) announced that, in order to promote the rapid development of the chip business of its controlling subsidiary Shenzhen Gaosixin Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Gaosixin"), and based on the fact that Shenzhen Zhongzhihuixin Management Consulting Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) (referred to as "Zhongzhihuixin") and Shenzhen Zhongzhihuisheng Management Consulting Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) (referred to as "Zhongzhihuisheng") have not fully paid up their subscribed capital to Gaosixin, Zhongzhihuixin and Zhongzhihuisheng have unanimously agreed to reduce the capital of Gaosixin and correspondingly reduce the subscribed capital of the partnership enterprises. This reduction of capital is to reduce the subscribed but unpaid portion, and does not involve returning the capital to the limited partnership partners and Gaosixin shareholders. The subscribed capital of Zhongzhihuixin is proposed to be reduced from 50 million RMB to 16 million RMB, and the subscribed capital of Zhongzhihuisheng is proposed to be reduced from 25 million RMB to 8 million RMB. At the same time, Gaosixin will correspondingly reduce its capital by 51 million RMB, with its registered capital proposed to be reduced from 500 million RMB to 449 million RMB. After the capital reduction, Shenzhen Consys Science & Technology Co., Ltd. directly holds 94.65% of the equity of Gaosixin, while Zhongzhihuixin and Zhongzhihuisheng collectively hold 5.35% of the equity of Gaosixin.
