China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the "Securities Issuer Information Disclosure Document Encoding Rules" in the financial industry standard.

GMT Eight
Recently, the China Securities Regulatory Commission released the "Securities Issuer Information Disclosure Document Encoding Rules" financial industry standard, which will be implemented from the date of publication. The "Securities Issuer Information Disclosure Document Encoding Rules" financial industry standard specifies the basic principles, encoding methods, encoding units, and registration services for encoding securities issuer information disclosure documents, and provides a basic metadata table for information disclosure documents. The implementation of the standard provides a practical document encoding scheme for securities issuer information disclosure, which helps reduce industry information utilization costs, promotes efficient information connectivity and utilization, and provides a solid foundation for building a high-quality digital information disclosure system. Next, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will continue to promote the informatization and digitalization construction of the capital market, focus on the formulation of basic standards, promote the development of general basic field standards, and continuously strengthen the foundation of technology supervision. The rules are as follows: This article is excerpted from the "CSRC Releases" WeChat public account, edited by GMTEight: Chen Xiaoyi.
