The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and ten other departments jointly issued a document to promote the coordinated development of new information infrastructure.

GMT Eight 202094Promote integrated development. Various regions should organize and carry out special actions for "signal upgrading", promote the large-scale deployment of "5G+ industrial internet", and deepen the implementation of the industrial internet identification and resolution system "integration" action plan. Coordinate the construction of car networking roadside facilities along highways and urban main roads. Intensively deploy urban perception terminals, and unify the construction of urban-level Internet of Things perception terminal management and data analysis platform. Fully build a real 3D China, establish a digital China space-time base and data integration platform. Improve the basic information of national land space, spatiotemporal big data, urban information model and other basic platforms, promote platform function integration, and provide a unified space-time framework for urban digital transformation.(II) Deepen the cross-industry co-construction and sharing of infrastructure. Local communications management bureaus should work together with relevant industry regulatory authorities to improve the cross-industry coordination mechanism and establish a list of cross-industry co-construction and sharing demands. Promote the mutual opening of resources such as poles, pipelines, optical cables, and facilities in the fields of communication, municipal, transportation, electricity, and public security. For new scenarios such as subways, tunnels, and bridges, communication facilities deployment space should be planned and reserved in advance, with power support provided. V. Build a green and low-carbon development mode (I) Promote the green and low-carbon development of key facilities. Basic telecommunications companies should cooperate in building a statistical index system for green and low-carbon development of the information and communication industry and a carbon management information platform, establish green data centers, and conduct assessments of green and low-carbon levels for data centers. Promote the green transformation of traditional communication rooms, update old communication equipment and accompanying facilities, and strengthen the application of energy-saving technologies in base stations. Local governments should introduce policies to encourage the use of green electricity by enterprises, support enterprises in building green energy facilities on their own premises. (II) Promote the coordinated development of facilities and the environment. Localities should strengthen the collaborative design of communication base stations, iron towers, machine rooms, and optical cable transfer boxes with buildings and structures, and innovate integrated, diversified beautification construction schemes. Local governments should increase policy and financial support, supporting the comprehensive renovation of communication pole lines. VI. Enhance all-round security capabilities (I) Enhance network and data security capabilities. Basic telecommunications companies should strengthen the coordinated construction of network security facilities and information infrastructure. Relevant enterprises should cooperate in conducting assessments of network security maturity, enhance risk assessment for new technologies like the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, and strictly implement security management requirements for IoT cards. It is necessary to establish sound data security management systems, strengthen the identification and classification protection of important data, enhance data security monitoring, early warning, and emergency response capabilities, conduct data security risk assessments, and enhance data security protection capabilities. (II) Enhance cross-industry security service empowerment. Local communications management bureaus should organize relevant units to upgrade and improve the national industrial internet security technology monitoring system, support key industrial internet enterprises and car networking enterprises in building network and data security technology monitoring capabilities. Promote the implementation of classification and grading management of industrial internet security and registration of car networking network security, accelerate the integration of security protection standards, and strengthen real-name registration management for car networking cards. (III) Enhance the stable and secure operation capabilities of information infrastructure. Local communications management bureaus should guide basic telecommunications companies to conduct operational security risk assessments, strictly implement the "three synchronous" requirements, and classify and manage important network elements. Basic telecommunications companies should carry out communication security production work, improve measures such as earthquake resistance, disaster prevention, fire prevention, and lightning protection, strengthen the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and resolutely curb major safety accidents. VII. Strengthen cross-departmental policy coordination (I) Play a leading role in factor allocation. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology should coordinate the long-term planning of spectrum resources, optimize frequency resource allocation, and encourage the sharing and utilization of spectrum resources. Improve cross-departmental work mechanisms, optimize international submarine cable approval procedures, and ensure the demand for sea use for international submarine cable construction. Localities should provide policy support for land layout planning, reporting and approval of information infrastructure, and environmental assessments, and incorporate vector data of information infrastructure spatial layout into the supervision information system of various levels of land use planning. (II) Promote cross-domain standardization work in a coordinated manner. Organizations working on standards for next-generation communication networks, data, and computational facilities should strengthen cooperation, accelerate the formulation and application of integrated standards. Relevant industry standardization organizations should establish a mechanism for coordinating cross-industry fusion standards and accelerating cross-industry standardization work. Relevant departments in various regions should strengthen the landing and implementation of national standards and industry standards for the construction of new information infrastructure projects, and improve construction standards and acceptance specifications related to co-construction and sharing of facilities. (III) Increase investment and financing support. Localities should make full use of existing funding channels to support projects such as universal telecommunication services in rural and remote areas. Standardize the implementation of new mechanisms for government and social capital cooperation, guide social capital to actively participate in investment and operations, improve the docking mechanism for government-bank-enterprise cooperation, leverage the role of the national platform for industrial and financial cooperation, and encourage various financial institutions to provide credit support for new information infrastructure projects. VIII. Strengthen organization and implementation (I) Strengthen organizational leadership. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in conjunction with relevant departments, should organize relevant units to improve collaborative work mechanisms, optimize resource and policy support, address major issues encountered in the layout and coordinated development of new information infrastructure systems, strengthen guidance and coordination of basic telecommunications companies and Internet companies, and promote the implementation of key tasks. (II) Strengthen coordinated implementation. Local communications management bureaus and industrial and information technology regulatory authorities should work together with relevant departments to improve local coordination mechanisms, ensure smooth workflow connections, strengthen top-down cooperation, and regional horizontal coordination. Localities should carry out local planning for the layout of new information infrastructure to promote collaborative construction and coordinated development. (III) Strengthen evaluation and effectiveness. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organizes relevant units to explore the establishment of a national system for the systematic development monitoring of new information infrastructure, establish a mechanism for broad participation of localities and relevant enterprises in data collection and reporting, strengthen monitoring of the implementation of coordinated development of new information infrastructure, regularly conduct third-party analysis and evaluation, and evaluate important links.
