Qingdao Hi-Tech Moulds & Plastics Technology (301022.SZ) plans to increase the capital of its Thai subsidiary by a total of 40 million yuan.

GMT Eight
Qingdao Hi-Tech Moulds & Plastics Technology (301022.SZ) Announcement: The company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Qingdao Hi-Tech Moulds & Plastics Technology Moulds Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Qingdao Hi-Tech Moulds & Plastics Technology Moulds") plan to use their own funds to invest a total of 40 million RMB in Qingdao Hi-Tech Moulds & Plastics Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Qingdao Hi-Tech Moulds & Plastics Technology (Thailand)"). This matter will help enhance the company's continued profitability and overall competitiveness.

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