HANG SENG BANK(00011): The measures in the Hong Kong budget will create more opportunities for the development of financial technology.

GMT Eight
HANG SENG BANK (00011) Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Shi Yingyin stated that the bank welcomes the measures proposed in the Hong Kong budget. These measures will create more opportunities for the development of financial technology, in line with the direction of Hang Seng. As Hong Kong's largest local bank, Hang Seng has always maintained a close connection with the business community, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, while also supporting Hong Kong as an international financial center and playing a key role in connecting the mainland and overseas. The bank will continue to work hand in hand with customers and the government, leveraging its expertise and resources to provide quality financial services and contribute to the prosperity of Hong Kong. HANG SENG BANK stated that it welcomes the measures in the budget proposed by the Financial Secretary to drive Hong Kong's economy and supports the Hong Kong SAR Government in continuing to promote financial technology innovation, consolidate Hong Kong's position as an international financial center, and support local businesses. Hang Seng believes that the newly announced measures, including cross-border financial cooperation, asset and wealth management, and offshore RMB business, will further stimulate economic growth in Hong Kong.

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